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Loïc D'Orangeville

Associate Professor



Loïc D'Orangeville joined the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management as an Assistant Professor in 2018. He holds a BSc and a MSc in Biology from the Université de Montréal, with a PhD in Renewable Resource Sciences from McGill University. Prior to moving to New Brunswick, Loïc completed postdoctoral internships at Indiana University (USA) and Université du Québec à Montréal, and was a visiting scholar at Harvard Forest in 2017-2018. 


Loïc has been involved in several climate change experiments in Eastern Canada, in controlled environments as well as in natural stands, to detect ecosystem vulnerability to global warming and associated increases drought. In complement, he has designed large-scale studies that use inventory-based tree-ring collections to detect climatic thresholds in the growth of dominant tree species.


When he's not working, he likes to pick mushrooms, practice kendo, play music, cook, and joke around.




Lynsay Spafford

Postdoc 2024 - ongoing



Lynsay completed her Ph.D. in Environmental Science at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, and B.Sc.Hons. in Environmental Sciences at St. Francis Xavier University. She has worked as a Research Consultant for the Swiss Federal Institute of Forest, Snow, and Landscape Research, and also as a technician for the e-phenology lab in Universidade Estadual Paulista in Brazil. During her PhD, Lynsay collaborated to establish and expand the Acadian Phenocam Network across the Maritimes, tracking dynamic climate change impacts to forest ecology. In her postdoc work, Lynsay plans to further expand this network and enhance monitoring capacity to include growth. Her work aims to track and anticipate the impacts of climate change on forest health and climate change mitigation potential. In her free time, Lynsay enjoys playing fiddle, spending time outdoors, baking, and travelling. 


Sébastien Dumont

Ph.D. Forest Sciences 2023 - ongoing (Laval University)



Sébastien completed his B.Sc. in Forest Environment and Management and his M.Sc. in Forest Sciences at Laval University in Quebec City. During his studies, he worked for the Quebec Ministry of Forests, where he was involved in several studies on northern hardwood silviculture. He also completed an internship at Forest Research (UK) in 2022.

Sébastien is working on the effects of acute climatic events such as drought and spring frost on tree growth in boreal and temperate forests. He uses a mix of dendrochronology, field experiment and growth models to quantify the effects of these events and to assess their impact on growth projections. His goal is to provide data for climate-sensitive growth models and recommendations for adaptive silviculture.

When he's not working, he enjoys hiking, reading, photography, and learning new board games.


Sandy Grimm

M.Sc. Forestry 2023 - ongoing



Sandy holds an engineer’s degree in landscape management and nature conservation. After spending most of her professional life with insects and mites and their usage in biological plant protection, she started to work with trees at a forest tree nursery in 2019, where she developed a strong interest in understanding the factors influencing the seedlings’ health and growth.

Sandy’s research focuses on the influence of heat stress on bud formation in white spruce. Understanding the role of temperature stress during bud initiation and formation will help to determine the risk for growth anomalies in trees under the predicted increase of temperature for New Brunswick.

When she is not working, she likes spending time with her family and growing vegetables in their garden.



Chloe Larstone Hunt

M.Sc. Forestry 2023 - ongoing



Chloe completed an Honours Specialization BSc in Environmental Biology and Technology from Nipissing University in North Bay, Ontario in 2022. During her time in Ontario, Chloe worked as a research assistant with Nipissing University and spent several summers working for Ontario Parks.


At University of New Brunswick, Chloe will be working on a rainfall exclusion experiment in a white spruce plantation. More specifically, she will be applying at a combination of different drought and thinning effects on white spruce, and observing the survival and radial growth response of the trees. She will be measuring soil moisture, tree diameter, height growth, tension inside the tree, and leaf-level processes. 


Outside of school and work, Chloe enjoys endurance sports, back-country camping, and working on puzzles.



Katie Tripp

M.Sc. Forestry 2022 - ongoing



Katie completed her BSc in Environmental and Physical Geography at Nipissing University in 2021. She also worked 7 summers and fall 2021/winter 2022 for the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Ontario Parks. Through this work she learned a wide range about forests, biology, and the human dimensions of the environment, as well as getting to conduct research on canoe trips.


Katie will be working on a project analyzing the effects of drought on white spruce and how using and altering thinning practices could impact growth in New Brunswick forests. She will use a tree ring approach to assess the differences in growth across different stands.


Jeneya Smith

M.Sc. Forestry 2021 -ongoing



Jeneya completed his B.Sc. in Environment and Natural Resources at the University of New Brunswick. During his summer months of his Bachelor’s, he spent his time reforesting the clearcuts of northern Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia. As his final management practicum for his undergrad, Jeneya worked on a project which established a process for selecting new Protected Natural Areas within New Brunswick. 

Jeneya’s MSc thesis involves researching spring-frost as a driver of temperate tree species northern distribution limits in the Mount Carleton Park. Jeneya hopes that this research will help in understanding the implications of climate change on future forest dynamics in eastern Canada. When not working on his project, Jeneya enjoys making and playing music, reading, hiking, and traveling.  



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Jacob Ravn

Ph.D. Forestry 2023 - ongoing

M.Sc. Forestry 2020 - 2022



Jacob has always been passionate about ecology and forestry. He pursued these interests while working in positions ranging from riparian restoration to wildfire fighting. He obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Forestry degree from the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, New Brunswick.


Jacob is currently researching the impacts of climate change induced warming and drought on the growth of balsam fir across its entire range. To achieve these objectives, he will utilize growth chambers and greenhouses to expose balsam fir seedlings of varying provenance locations to drought and temperature increases. He hopes that the data procured from this research will allow for a better understanding of the population and ecological shifts that climate change will have on the forests and stands within Atlantic Canada. When he isn’t obsessing over trees, Jacob loves to cook, explore the outdoors, expand his worldly knowledge, and take frequent naps.




Cédric Albert

Ph.D. Forestry 2020 - ongoing



Cédric Albert completed a Bachelor degree in forest management at the University of Moncton. He also received the Canadian Institute of Forestry gold medal for his hard work and implications. Since the beginning of his studies Cédric as always been passionate especially about forest management planning at the landscape level. His thesis will focus on the impact of implementing different adaptive forest management strategies for future forest function and resilience to future global change scenarios.

When not working on his master, Cédric like to manage is own forest land as well as some owned by others, ride with friends and play video games. Being a forester and part of the research effort, he feels the need of developing new ways to adapt humanity forest practises to be more sustainable in a climate-changing world.

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Mackenzie Good

M.Sc. Forestry 2024 - ongoing



Mackenzie completed her B.Sc. in Environment and Natural Resources at the University of New Brunswick in 2024. During the summer months throughout her Bachelor’s, she worked for the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development and the Canadian Forest Service as a greenhouse technician growing trees. In her spare time, she enjoys watercolour painting, reading, and spending time with her family and friends.


Mackenzie is currently researching stress responses to warming and drought on many species and populations found within Eastern North America to inform assisted migration. This is being done through an ex-situ approach, where she is using phytotrons to conduct a controlled experiment with several temperature and drought treatments. In doing this, she is hopeful that she will contribute to developing assisted migration guidelines and therefore aid the forest production industry in utilizing species and populations adapted to a changing climate!


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Madison White

M.Sc. Forestry 2024 - ongoing



Madi completed her B.Sc. in Forestry from the University of New Brunswick in 2024. While pursuing her bachelor's degree, Madi worked as a research assistant for Agriculture Canada at the Fredericton Research and Development Center. At AgriCan, Madi worked under a soil carbon scientist researching climate-smart practices for sequestering carbon in agricultural landscapes. 


For her master’s research project, Madi is researching the Appalachian Hardwood Forest, a rare forest type in the province of New Brunswick, to characterize the biotic and abiotic drivers conducive to the recovery of disturbed Appalachian Hardwood habitats. Her project aims to develop a tolerant hardwood restoration management plan to guide restoration efforts for AHFs and similar forest types. 


In her free time, Madi enjoys camping, hiking, biking, and roller skating.



Taylor Bottoms-Cau

M.Sc. Forestry 2024 - ongoing


Taylor completed her Honours Specialization BSc in Biology with a Certificate in Forest Resource Management and Conservation at Nipissing University in 2023. Throughout her studies at Nipissing University she spent time working and volunteering as a research assistant on several projects, as well as completing an Honours Thesis project studying bryophyte diversity and cover on inactive forest roads in the Nipissing Forest. 


At the University of New Brunswick, Taylor will be examining the interactions of drought and pre-commercial thinning on white spruce plantations using drone-based multispectral imaging and LiDAR at the ThiRST experiment site in northern New Brunswick.


In her free time Taylor enjoys reading, bird watching, and watching bad movies.


Malcolm MacDonald

Acadian Phenocam Network Field Technician



Malcolm has always had a passion for the outdoors and a desire to learn more about nature, stemming from a childhood spent hunting, fishing, and camping whenever he could. After nearly a decade as a finish carpenter, he developed a keen appreciation for the unique qualities of various tree species. During this time, he volunteered for five years with the Acadian Phenocam Network Project, where he utilized his skills to build and maintain essential infrastructure. Malcolm enjoyed this role, particularly the challenges posed by hurricanes and wildlife, all while exploring the remote back roads of Nova Scotia. As the network expanded and new infrastructure was implemented to monitor growth, he transitioned from a volunteer to a staff member of the APN.


In his spare time, Malcolm enjoys spending time in the forest, capturing wildlife and nature through photography, as well as hiking and camping. His other interests include cooking, reading, writing, and listening to classic rock ‘n’ roll.


Current Lab Members

 Former Lab Members

Jiejie Wang

PhD Forestry 2019-2024

Xinran Hu

M.F. Forestry 2022-2023

Valdeir Lima

Visiting Researcher 2022-2023

Susan Willis

M.Sc. Forestry 2020-2022

Morgan Stickley

Summer student 2022

Martina Sánchez-Pinillos

Postdoctoral researcher 2020-2021

Clara Schortemeyer

M.Sc. Forestry 2019-2022

Megan Doyle

Lab manager - summer 2019

Melissa Spearing - In Memory

M.Sc. Forestry 2022-2024

Rani Saggere

Research Assistant 2023

James Broom

M.Sc. Forestry 2020-2023

Storm Robinson

M.Sc. Forestry 2020-2022

Gabriel Rogers

Research Assistant 2022-2025

Rachel Aske

Lab Assistant 2021-2022

Jessé Moura Dos Santos

M.Sc. Forestry 2020-2022

Erin Pearson

Honours student 2019-2020

Alexandra Villiard

M.Sc. Biology (UQAM) 2017-2019


© 2019 by Loïc D'Orangeville

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