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About Us

There is a growing concern among scientists and forest stakeholders regarding the capacity of our forests to withstand increasing temperatures and water stress. In my lab, we use innovative experimental and observational methods to document the sensitivity and improve the adaptive capacity of eastern Canadian tree species to climate change.


July 2, 2024

The D'Orangeville lab in North Carolina

What a trip! Chloe Larstone Hunt (MSc), Katie Tripp (MSc), Jay Smith (MSc), Jacob Ravn (PhD) and Loïc D'Orangeville (PI) traveled to Asheville, North Carolina (US) to attend the North American Forest Ecology Workshop (NAFEW). Jay gave a great talk summarizing his MSc work, Loïc presented the results of a former MSc student, James Broom, while Chloe, Katie and Jacob presented posters of their MSc work. Field trips included fire management, a visit to the Smokeys and an unforgettable tour of a Femelschlag experiment in Pisgah National Forest. We ended this beautiful week with a drive to Duke Forest to visit one of the TransX trial sites and assess tree survival.


March 14, 2024

Our TransX project featured in Duke Forest's newsletter

Facilitating Novel Research through Creative Collaboration Link Here.

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February 2, 2024

New Extension Note!

To understand how forests respond to the more frequent and severe droughts across Canada, our lab is leading the ThiRST (Thinning to Reduce Stress) experiment. Congrats to Chloe Larstone Hunt for publishing this Extension Note on the challenges of leading such a large scale outdoor experiment! Link Here.


January 10, 2024

New PhD position available

The PhD candidate will monitor the early response of warm-adapted forest tree populations planted in colder sites ranging across northern US and eastern Canada as part of the TransX project and develop new guidelines to help move assisted migration strategies into successful operations. More details on the position here, and on TransX here. If you're interested to apply, send a cover letter, a transcript and a complete CV to


August 16, 2023


Second AGM took place at the Oak Island Resort & the Conference Centre on the Western Shore of Novascotia. It aimed to foster exchange of knowledge, collaborative discussions and exploration of parts of the Acadian Forest. Loic, Jacob and Chloe were present from the D' Orangeville Lab! Read the summary report here Silva21 AGM 2023


July 5, 2023

Welcome Rani Saggere, our new Project coordinator and Research assistant

Rani holds a Ph.D. in Biology from the University of New Brunswick (2018-2023) and an Integrated Masters in Biological Sciences from Bangalore University (India). Rani will help coordinate the establishment of the TransX project and provide scientific and logistic support to the students in the lab. Welcome Rani! You can check out her profile here.


September 25, 2022

Storm and Susan win best poster awards at the Canadian Institute of Forestry Conference!

Amazing. Storm Robinson wins 1st place, Susan Willis wins 2nd. And kudos to grad student Melissa Spearing for giving an oral presentation on her work at the National Tree Seed Center and how the NTSC helps research projects like the TransX project.


February 1, 2022

New paperS out !

Two new papers published in Biosciences and Global Change Biology!  The GCB paper is a collaboration with research scientists from Quebec, led by NRCan scientists Yan Boulanger and Jesus Pascual, where we compare model projections for the Quebec forest. Link here!

The Biosciences paper is a collaboration with US scientists, led by Kim Novick from Indiana University, where we combine a variety of data streams to better understand the decline of oak in eastern temperate forests. Link here!


November 16, 2022

Our research featured in CBC article

Full article can be found here.

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October 4, 2021

Martina's paper "Sequential droughts: a silent trigger of boreal forest mortality" accepted in Global Change Biology!

Congratulations Martina. Martina is off in France, with a prestigious Marie-Curie scholarship. Good luck! The online, unformatted proof can be found here


October 30, 2020

Jiejie's results presented at Ouranos 8th Symposium on climate change (Montreal)

Loïc D'Orangeville presented a talk about climate change and Canadian forests during a session about drought impact, where Jiejie Wang's model results were presented for the first time. Details on the conference can be found here


February 13, 2023

Jiejie Wang's first thesis chapter published in PNAS!

In this paper, we develop new growth models using North America's permanent sample plot data and project future growth of the Canadian boreal forest under climate change. Congrats Jiejie! Full article can be found here. Also, UNB is featuring Jiejie's research in UNB Research's blog here and in EOS here.


September 18, 2020

Loïc D'Orangeville interviewed by The Narwhal

Could 80,000 family woodlot owners be the key to saving the Acadian forest? Only remnants of this carbon-rich forest in the Maritimes remain after centuries of clear-cutting. Thousands of family forest owners have a stake in its survival. The question is: can they earn revenue from its protection rather than its destruction?

. Access the full article here!


July 10, 2020

Loïc D'Orangeville appears in Our Changing Forest

In these informational videos, researchers, ecologists and forestry professionals were consulted to understand how the changing climate will affect New Brunswick’s forests, and how we can manage our forests for climate resilience. Produced by the New Brunswick Federation of Woodlot Owners, in partnership with Community Forests International and with the support of Environment and Natural Resources in Canada. Access the video here!


April 27, 2020

Fully funded MScF position in ecological modeling

We're now accepting applications from qualified candidates for a 2-year, fully funded Masters of Science in Forestry position focused on process-based modeling of forest landscapes in P.E.I. National Parks under climate change and forest management. This is a joint project between the Canadian Forest Service, Parks Canada, and the University of New Brunswick led by Dr. Anthony R. Taylor and myself. Details here.


January 30, 2020

Welcome to Martina Sánchez-Pinillos, a new postdoc from Spain!

Martina will look into the effects of interacting disturbances, namely water deficit and insect outbreaks, on boreal forest dynamics across Canada. Martina is developing new methodological approaches to detect forest resistance and resilience using national forest inventories. Welcome to the lab Martina! Full bio here.


January 20, 2020

Welcome to Jessé Moura, a new MScF student from Brazil!

Jessé will apply dendrochronology approaches to 50-yr-old provenance trials from New Brunswick to study population variations in climate responses. This knowledge will help us compare the capacity of Acadian species for assisted migration in a climate change context. Welcome Jessé! Full bio here.


October 7, 2019

Our lab featured in a new documentary on climate change and NB forests

This documentary was produced by Gaetan Pelletier, Executive Director of NHRI, and directed by Mathieu Germain with the assistance of Tanguy Locqueneux. The video documentary delves into the subject of climate change, its potential effects on our forests and what can, and should, be done to adapt. CLick HERE for full documentary!

Dry Woods

July 9 , 2019

Alexandra Villiard at UNB for a week of data analysis

Alex is a MSc student based in Montreal and co-supervised by Dan Kneeshaw (Université du Québec à Montréal) and Loïc D'Orangeville here at UNB. Her MSc project focuses on boreal balsam fir stand responses to drought and the roles of timing, tree size and competition. Full bio here.


July 5 , 2019

Observations of rapid growth increase in southern Asian boreal forests now published in Global Change Biology

This work was lead by colleague Xianliang Zhang, of Hebei Agricultural Unviersity (China), during his stay at Harvard Forest. Results suggest that the warming-driven earlier growth onset allows trees to take advantage of snowmelt water, leading to massive gains in recent growth. Paper can be found here.


June 24-27 , 2019

The D'Orangeville lab at NAFEW 2019

At the North American Forest Ecology Workshop, in Flagstaff (Arizona), Loïc D'Orangeville presented his results on the phenology of stem growth for 15 different tree species from Harvard Forest (MA). A great meeting held in the middle of the Ponderosa pine forest!





April 29, 2019

Congratulations to Jiejie Wang for receiving the NBIF PhD Recruitment award!

Jiejie was awarded a four-year scholarship from the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation. A nice way to start a PhD!




April 18, 2019

Greening/Browning Workshop Proceedings Released

The Workshop Proceedings that summarizes the meeting presentations and discussions on Understanding Northern Latitude Vegetation Greening and Browning has just been released. The announcement is below and the report is available for free download here




April 14, 2019

Megan Doyle joins the lab!

Megan will be our new lab manager for the 2019 field season. She will supervise the installation of new monitoring plots and help revisit old provenance studies at Acadia Research Forest. She will also help set up the wood analysis lab here in the Faculty. Her bio can be found here.




April 3rd, 2019

Loïc D'Orangeville talks at Québec Forest Research Meeting Carrefour de la Recherche Forestière in Québec City, Canada.

The anticipated rise in temperatures is likely to upset the growth of the Quebec forest. We presents results from our lab where the vulnerability of Eastern Canadian forests is documented by analyzing their response to past climate. 

Meeting details here




Mar. 11, 2019

Lab study named one of top 10 discoveries of 2018

Our research has been selected as one of 10 Discoveries of the Year 2018 by Québec Science magazine. In this paper, done in collaboration with colleagues from Québec and the US, we used large tree-ring collections to project the effects that climate change on Eastern Canada’s boreal forest.

Read the story here

Access to full scientific paper here




Mar. 7-8, 2019

Silv@21: a national workshop on adapting silviculture to climate change in Montréal

Loïc D'Orangeville attended a NSERC-sponsored worshop organized by the Canadian Wood Fibre Centre and FPInnovations to coordinate a national research initiative to support the resilience and transition of Canadian forests in the face of global changes to meet the need for sustainable fibre. Representatives of each Canadian province, of major forest industry players and academia discussed during two days the research priorities, potential partners and future directions. 




Feb. 26, 2019

Vegetation Management workshop in Debert (NS)

Loïc D'Orangeville presented the research done in the lab to representatives of the Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry (NSLF) during a workshop on Vegetation Management organised by NSLF and FPInnovation. The goal of the workshop was to better understand the research needs of the province following the release of the Lahey report. 





Dec. 6-7, 2018

Understanding Northern Latitude Vegetation Greening and Browning workshop in Washington D.C. (USA)

Loïc D'Orangeville attended this two-day workshop hosted by Canada and the US National Academies of Science. The goad was to bring together experts to discuss patterns and drivers of tundra and boreal forest vegetation productivity; methods and tools for evaluating vegetation patterns and changes; and implications for vegetation change. Great meeting, and special thanks to Canada's Polar Research Board for the invitation!




© 2019 by Loïc D'Orangeville

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